Wednesday, 1 February 2017

‘Lady’ and the Trump

So May hurried to see president Trump.

I’m a helpless optimist so I was like “Cool, maybe she’ll make him see sense.” Boy! Turns out there’s a fine line between ‘optimist’ and ‘down-right-stupid’. This realisation has made me fearful. At one point I thought “Thank goodness we didn’t turn a blind eye to Hitler. Just look how much we have learned from that monster’s mistakes. We are really looking out for Hitler-like behaviour and standing against it.” When I first thought this, I was sure that would be enough to avoid another holocaust. But is that conclusion a voice of an optimist or an idiot? What if I refuse to be an idiot? If I were to sit down and think of ways to make sure we avoid bloodshed, or any further bloodshed (too much blood is being spilled to hope for no bloodshed), I’d say we have to talk more. We have to be persistent and love humans. There will be individuals who’ll abuse this state and try to turn us away from believing that killing innocent people is wrong. I would warn against listening to those who claim that a whole group is ‘not innocent’ because someone who claimed to belong to that group has done something bad. We have to stop assuming we are smart and work at being smart, I don’t think our first thought is necessarily the right one. I mean, Germans were smart. They were just like anyone else. How did Hitler talk them into doing things that they are really not inclined to do? We have to learn from their mistakes also. And it’s not just them. Milosevic managed to turn perfectly decent Serbs into monsters. So on and so forth. The point is, each individual matters, and each person will notice something. At a time like this, I think we would do better to listen to one another.

Let’s look at Brexit for just a moment. It was the most rushed referendum I had ever seen. The rules were hardly decided. Conclusion is that: ‘People have spoken’ – who are the people? Most were silent. Most didn’t vote one way or another. Is it because they don’t care? Or perhaps they didn’t feel they have enough information to cast a valid, educated vote and they didn’t want to guess? Perhaps they were certain that UK would vote stay so why bother voting? – it is not uncommon that those wanting a change are far more passionate than those who want things to remain the same, and passion means you will make the effort. Anyhow, ‘people have spoken’ is an unrealistic statement. Did anyone ever say that if you are a citizen of the UK and you don’t go out to vote, you will be assumed as if you have taken yourself out of the UK and you will not be counted? While this may seem obvious to some, it is unknown to many. Many people did not realise that if they don’t vote it’ll be as if they don’t exist. And then… Many people are only now learning about what the EU means. Only now they are discovering the truth about Human Rights. Now! When it is too late! And why is that? Is it because the information is much clearer and ‘louder’ now that the voice of the opposition has been silent? Or perhaps it is because now people are more likely to believe it, open their mind, instead of thinking that you are only saying that to ‘make’ them vote a certain way? No one can make you do anything. But you should choose to think about everything you hear and ask for more information if you are not sure.

Speaking of ‘people have spoken’. Who does president Trump represent? It is not the people but the system of the USA. With all due respect, I do not care for the system in America. If American people said they wanted to change it now, I’d say ‘So long as it is better for you guys, go for it’. But people!? People matter. To me, the system should be there to serve the people. Anyone who is unwilling to work with a president elected by the people is free to resign. Not to mention that it seems a voice in one state is worth more than a voice in another state. And it seems to be about how populated that state is. What?! Take a moment to think about what that is? Of course there are nut-jobs in America. America is a large country. If every family had just one person who is a nut (and every family has at least one of those all around the world), that’s a lot of nuts. I was not surprised to listen to a woman support president Trump because her son was killed in a car accident and the other driver was Mexican, so she thinks roads in America would be safer is there were no Mexicans in America. But if we hand out justice like that, we’d all be in jail. I heard the woman. I am so sorry for her tragic loss. But, she needs a good therapist not a position of power.

Having said all that, ‘every cloud has a silver lining’. I watched lawyers in America rush to airports to help, free of charge. Perhaps a Trump was needed to wake up citizens of America so that they too take their country back. America has been falling for quite some time. Well, the fact is, it rose when the world was drowning, Europe was literally in ashes. It is not that much of a challenge to rise at a time like that. The times have changed. We have learned a lot. America has to make some changes and I think only people of America know what and how. Perhaps this ‘a Trump’ was needed to wake them up into action?

As for us… As a Bosnian I’ll have to write a whole new blog – we still have a ‘war’ going on since the ‘brilliant’ administration of Clinton decided that Dayton was a document worth considering let alone signing. But, as a Brit… well, there is much that can be said there too, however I’d like to mention this ‘state visit’. May kind of jumped the gun, went too far with that one, in my opinion. It does feel like she has overstepped the boundary. Imagine you live with people and one of your roommates decides to invite a person who is a personification of everything you dislike. Other roommates agree with you, they also don’t want a visit from that person. Imagine they tell that person that they are not welcome. If the person had any honour they would refuse to come and have a private chat with the one who rushed such an invitation. But let’s see what president Trump will do? Will president Trump show us more than anything what modern politics is really all about? It is something masses need to see. Or perhaps president Trump will prove himself, show us that we were wrong and that he’s only guilty of inability to articulate his true thoughts. And then we will change our minds and welcome him with ‘open arms’ – as I said: Optimist or lunatic? What am I?

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